Cover | Table of Contents
N.A. Salingaros (pp.261-299) Architectural knowledge: Lacking a knowledge system, the profession rejects healing environments that promote health and well-being
R.A. Cubillos-González, G.T. Cardoso, V. Nieto-Barbosa, A. Neckel, F.J. Novegil González-Anleo, I.C. Cerón Vinasco (pp.300-312) Design of resilient affordable housing prototypes for Latin American cities
T. Dutoğlu, E.Ö. Aktuğlu Aktan (pp.313-333) A series of metaphors in urban design: Case study of Potsdam Square
C. Wang, S.Z. Abidin, N.M.P. Toyong, Y. Tang (pp.334-347) Elucidating product based on system-level design phase: Intelligent frost prevention equipment design for tea
C. Zehir, M. Özyeşil, E.B. Aktürk, Z. Mamedov (pp.348-359) Strategic fashion industry and city economy: The role of design on financial dynamics
C. Tang, K. Pashkevich, O. Yezhova, O. Gerasymenko (pp.360-371) Sustainable packaging design from a multidisciplinary perspective: A review
O.T.S. Yeo, M.J.M. Yusof, S. Maruthaveeran, K. Saito (pp.372-388) Frameworks of ecological connectivity: Systematic review on green infrastructure’s case studies
S. Linfeng, Y. Wanyi, N. Ujang (pp.389-411) A systematic literature review of place attachment in environments, cities and landscapes
N. Abid, M. Haque (pp.412-432) Exploring and assessing user perception and preferences for open spaces in a university campus: A case study of IIT Roorkee, India
S.A. Agustin, A.I. Saidi, I. Damajanti, H.A. Ahmad (pp.433-447) Semiotic analysis of embodiment in the design of Indonesian women designers
G. Salehzadeh, Y. Aghamaliyeva (pp.448-466) Architectural planning characteristics of commercial buildings (on the example of Baku)
B.S. Banindro, B. Sobandi, A. Pandanwangi, B. Mutmainah, B. Hartono (pp.467-489) The transition of Hindu era Garuda visual element into Islamic era batik patterns in Java
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Scimago Journal Ranking agentliyinin (Scopus) 2022-ci il üçün hesabatı nəşr olunmuşdur. Hesabata görə, Jomard Publishing nəşriyyatının New Design Ideas jurnalı Q1 kateqoriyasında yer almışdır.
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