Cover | Table of Contents
I. Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė, K. Zaleckis, G. Viliūnas (pp.490-512) Potential applications of AI in biophilic urbanism and nature-based solutions in cities
P. Ling, J. Au, J. Lam, C. Ho, N. Lai (pp.513-526) How are Hong Kong secondary school students inspired by chinese art and culture in designing new fashion?
N. Abouelmaati, M. El-Husseiny, M.W. Fareed (pp.527-545) Adaptive reuse and people’s perception of contemporary needs: Towards a decision-making process to include people in repurposing Cairo’s heritage
M.H. Jalil, Q.D.L. Abdullah, N.R. Wong, L.N. Hoon (pp.546-566) Preserving heritage in threads: A study of Orang Ulu motif adaptation in contemporary ethnic wear crafted by SMEs
G. Mutlu Avinç (pp.567-580) Biomimetic approach for adaptive, responsive and kinetic building facades: A bibliometric review of emerging trends
R.S. Gbadegbe, J. Ansah-Asiedu, J. Amewu, C. Asigbe, B. Asemsro, D. Vigbedor (pp.581-602) Exploring tattoo-inspired textile prints and garments as a safer way of adorning the human body
D. Sulistyawati, I. Santosa, D. Wahjudi, D.W. Junaidy (pp.603-614) Factors shaping the millennials dependence on public space
F. Diker, İ. Erkan (pp.615-640) An approach with deep convolutional neural networks for accurate architectural style classification
O. Ilnitska, R. Kucher, D. Vakulenko, V. Boiko, R. Pratskov (pp.641-655) The identity of stage design as a component of Ukrainian culture of the 21st century
D. Yasar, P. Öktem Erkartal (pp.656-673) A study of design character in green office interiors
T. Xu, F.A. Aziz, N. Ujang, M.F. Hasna, R. Mundher, M.F. Shahidan, J. Zhao (pp.674-696) Pedestrian safety and security for female users in urban alleys: A systematic review
M. Kelsinbek, D. Sharipova, A. Kenjakulova, S. Kobzhanova (pp.697-714) Transformation of the image of family in the visual culture of Kazakhstan
R. Yang, S.Z. Abidin, V.V. Vermol (pp.715-727) An analysis of information visualisation design based on cognitive thinking and visual thinking
Acknowledgement of Reviewers
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Scimago Journal Ranking agentliyinin (Scopus) 2022-ci il üçün hesabatı nəşr olunmuşdur. Hesabata görə, Jomard Publishing nəşriyyatının New Design Ideas jurnalı Q1 kateqoriyasında yer almışdır.