Urfat Nuriyev 

Karabakh University, Khankendi, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Cryptology, Data Science, Computer Algebra, Combinatorial Algorithms, Algorithmic analysis, Optimization, Discrete Mathematics, Operational Research 

Mutallim Mutallimov 
Institute of Applied Mathematics - Baku State University, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Neural networks, Numerical Analysis, Parallel algorithms, Approximation theory, Dynamical processes, Mathematical modeling, Optimal control 


Jalil Manafian
University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 
Subject Areas: Mathematical Physics, Computational Physics, Theoretical Physics, Numerical Mathematics, Numerical Modeling, Engineering, Nonlinear Systems


Melike Karatay
Ege University, Turkey
Subject Areas: cryptography, computer science, software, algorithms


Giorgi Abramishvili 
Tbilisi State University, Georgia 
Subject Areas: Tribology, Combustive-lubricating materials, Ecology, Motor transport, Transport means and technical equipment 

Sedat Akleylek 
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey 
Subject Areas: Information Security, Cryptology, Cyber security, Efficient cryptographic computations, Algorithm analysis 

Kamil Aydazade 
Institute of Control Systems – Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Pattern recognition, Mathematical modeling, Numerical analysis, Dynamical processes, Optimal control 

Rza Bashirov 
Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus 
Subject Areas: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Target based drug discovery, Biomedical applications, Biopathway modelling, Process modelling, Petri nets, Cryptography, Information security, Parallel processing, Interconnection networks, Algorithmic analysis, Statistical data analysis 

Samit Chakraborty
North Carolina State University, NC, USA
Subject Areas: Textile technology, machine learning technology, 3D printing technology, sustainable textile manufacturing

Guevas Claudio 
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil 
Subject Areas: Difference equations, Periodicity and ergodicity, Dispersive estimates, Fractional differential equations, Functional differential equations, Integral and integro-differential equations 

Valentino Crespi 
Information Sciences Institute - University of Southern California, USA 
Subject Areas: Hidden Markov models, Error statistics, Petri nets, Channel coding, Computer network security, Distributed processing, Entropy, Graph coloring, Heuristic programming, Higher order statistics, Matrix decomposition, Multi-agent systems, Query processing, Software tools, Source coding, Speech recognition, State estimation, State-space methods, Target tracking, Telecommunication traffic, Tracking, Trellis codes 

Phridon Dvalishvili 
Tbilisi State University, Georgia 
Subject Areas: Computational intelligence systems, Genetic algorithms, Neural networks, Fuzzy systems, Systems science, Mathematical modeling, Operations research, Application of differential equations, Optimal control, Optimization 

Vagif Gasimov 
Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas
Information security, Network security, Cryptography, Steganography, Digital signature technology, Crypto currency, Blockchain, Malware

Yusif Gasimov 
Azerbaijan University, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Spectral theory, Inverse problems, Shape optimization, Numerical methods 

Allahverdi Hasanov 

Institute of Control Systems - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Mathematical modeling, Rheology of continuous medium, Numerical analysis, Dynamical processes 

Agil Huseynov 
Sumgait State University, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Intellectual processes, Systematic design, Robotics, Architectural design systems. 

Refail Kasimbeyli

Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Subject Areas: Optimization Theory and Applications, Operations Research.

Andrey L. Karchevsky 

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics - Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 
Subject Areas: Numerical methods for solving ill-posed and inverse problems, Numerical analysis, Mathematical modeling, Optimal control, Mathematical Methods in Geology, Geophysics 

Jianjun Li 
Hangzhou Dianzi University, China. 
Subject Areas: Artifical intelligence, Computer vision, Video coding, Deep learning, 3D, multimedia, Microelectrionics 

Ali Mardani-Aghabaglou
Bursa Uludağ Univesrity
Subject Areas: Concrete Technology, Cementitious Materials, Materials of Construction, Cement-Admixture Compatibility, Rheological Properties, Durability of Concrete, 3D Printing Concrete

Agasi Melikov 

Institute of Control Systems – Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan 
Subject Areas: Queuing Theory, Computer Communications, Performance Analysis of Communication Networks, Teletraffic Theory, Inventory Control, Discreet Event Systems Modeling, Applied Stochastic Theory 

Vasif Nabiyev 
Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey 
Subject Areas: Artificial Intelligence , Logic programming, Computational Geometry, Biomedical Applications, Biometry, Computer Data Security, Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization, Operation Research 

Efendi Nasiboglu 
Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey 
Subject Areas: Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Decision Making, Fuzzy Sets, Soft Computing, Data Mining, Statistical Data Analysis. 

Refik Samet 
Ankara University, Turkey 
Subject Areas: Multiprocessor and Multicomputer Systems, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance, Real-Time Computer Control Systems, Geographical Information Systems Communications, Computer Networks, ANDROID Applications, Computer Forensics, Cyber Security 

İbrahim Şentürk
Ege University, Turkey
Subject Areas
Lattice Theory, Pure Mathematics, Applied Logic, Computational Logic, Algebra, Algebraic Logic, Theoretical Computer Science, Fuzzy Set Theory, Fuzzy Logic, Set Theory, Fuzzy Algebra, Fuzzy Logic Methods

Avireni Srinivasulu 
School of Engineering, JECRC University, India 
Subject Areas: VLSI Design, ASIC, Microelectronics, Material Science, Chemical Engineering, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics 

Hari Moran Srivastava 
University of Victoria, Canada 
Subject Areas: Real and Complex Analysis, Integral Transformations and Operational Calculus, Analytic Number Theory 

Sergii Stirenko 
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine 
Subject Areas: Deep Learning, Image and Video Processing, Medical Image Processing, Distributed Computing, Parallel Computing, Cloud computing, GPU computing, Augmented Reality, eHealth, Distributed Computing Infrastructures, Multiprocessor and Multicomputer Systems. 

Francesco Villecco 
University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy 
Subject Areas: Industrial Engineering, Operation Research, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Applications, Immunology and Microbiology 

The first issue of the new journal

The first inaugural issue of the journal Islamic History and Literature established by Jomard Publishing is now published.

Advanced Physical Research in Scopus

The journal Advanced Physical Research issed by Jomard Publishing is accepted for indexing by Scopus - expertly curated abstract & citation database.

Web of Science Emerging Source Citation Index

New Materials, Compounds and Applications is now indexed in the Web of Science Emerging Source Citation Index.

New Design Ideas in Q1 quartile

The Scimago Journal Ranking Report 2022 (Scopus) is now published. By the Report our journal New Design Ideas is included in the Q1 quartile.

Our next journal in Scopus

On the basis of the positive evaluation results by the decision of the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) the journal New Materials, Compounds and Applications issued by Jomard Publishing is accepted for indexing in Scopus.