The journal Green Economics (ISSN 2959-9326) publishes strongly refereed scientific papers on economic analysis related to the use of natural resources, the green solution of environmental and economic problems. 
The journal aims to bring a new approach of the key concepts of economy and sustainability, by combining the scientific disciplines of economy, management, engineering, technology, environment, policy and society.
Our next journal in Scopus

The journal Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences issued by Jomard Publishing is accepted for indexing in Scopus.

The first issue of the new journal

The first inaugural issue of the journal Islamic History and Literature established by Jomard Publishing is now published.

Advanced Physical Research in Scopus

The journal Advanced Physical Research issed by Jomard Publishing is accepted for indexing by Scopus - expertly curated abstract & citation database.

Web of Science Emerging Source Citation Index

New Materials, Compounds and Applications is now indexed in the Web of Science Emerging Source Citation Index.

New Design Ideas in Q1 quartile

The Scimago Journal Ranking Report 2022 (Scopus) is now published. By the Report our journal New Design Ideas is included in the Q1 quartile.