Cover | Table of Contents
B. Berisha, G. Rexhepi, H. Abazi Alili (pp.5-16) The influence of employee green behaviour on employee performance: A perspective on organizational sustainability development
A. Koldovskyi (pp.17-36) Sustainable development in Ukraine: Enhancing financial sector infrastructure
H. Markus, S. Cornelia, F. Galyna, O. Sven (pp.37-42) H2-microgrid as a bottom-up solution for entering into the green economy
J. Gupta, R. Kumar (pp.43-57) Evaluating the sustainable indicators of cities of India: ESG framework review
S. Cornelia, H. Markus, G. Iris (pp.58-64) Enhancing the transformation to a green economy by adoption of higher education
B. Berisha, G. Rexhepi (pp.185-194) The effect of emotional intelligence on employee green behavior: The case of the Republic of North Macedonia
N. Prodanova, A. Borodin, Z.F. Mamedov, O. Tarasova (pp.195-208) Optimization paths for enhancing EGS strategy
Z. Abbasov (pp.209-214) Assessing the potential of railways to reduce CO2 emissions: A cointegration study of Estonia's transport sector
E. Karimov (pp.215-226) Does green marketing work? Consumer reactions toward green approaches
M. Bujupi (pp.227-250) Perceptions of tax burden and its influence on tax evasion in Kosovo
I. Aghayeva, M. Zortuk (pp.119-133) The impact of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on economic growth in Azerbaijan: FB-ARDL and A-ARDL cointegration approaches
S. Ashurmamadova, G. Rexhepi (pp.134-153) Revolutionizing construction practices in North Macedonia: The journey to circular economy through modular construction technologies
M. Bujupi, E. Murati Hoxha (pp.154-164) Subsidy fiscal policy in support of the agriculture sector-the case of Kosovo
S. Salam, S. Saha, M. Saha, H. Aftab, M.A. Khan (pp.165-177) Economic assessment and potentiality of jute cellulose based biopolymer (Sonali bag®) in Bangladesh
G.I. Hasanova, Z.I. Mammadova (pp.178-183) Green schools: A brief review
B. Asadov, E. Asadov, F. Agayeva (pp.5-17) The regional dimension of green transformation: Problems and development prospects
E. Qorraj – Haxhiu, S. Haxhimustafa (pp.18-30) Carbon emissions and economic growth: An empirical analysis from OECD countries
Sh.E. Guseynov, R. Aleksejevs, J.V. Aleksejeva, V. Teteris (pp.31-71) Physico-mathematical model of the life cycle of a single-cycle two-stroke gas engine of the brown type operating on hydrogen technology
R.I. Hasanov (pp.72-79) Analyzing GHG emissions and other key economic drivers in Azerbaijan
Sh.E. Guseynov, R. Aleksejevs, J.V. Aleksejeva, J.S. Rimshans (pp.80-101) On mathematical modelling of some issues arising in the optimization of biogas production in solid waste landfills
G.I. Hasanova, A.J. Safarli (pp.102-111) Education for sustainable development: A review
I. Mammadov, N. Huseynli (pp.112-118)Global warming and its effects on the global economy
G. Zhigolli, S. Haxhimustafa, D. Balaj (pp.71-81) Factors affecting particıpation in the product recycling process
A.-A. Bouramdane (pp.82-110) Assessing the environmental impact of hydrogen fuel cell technologies (PEMFCs, SOFCs, AFCs): A cradle-to-gate attributional life cycle analysis
N. Eylasov, N. Gasim, F. Aliyev, A.N. Şahinler (pp.111-125) Impact of renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions in Türkiye: Evidence from ARDL and Bayer-Hanck cointegration techniques
R.I. Hasanov (pp.126-136) Green procurement and green transportation: The case of the aluminum industry
Tural Rustamov (pp.137-143) Dynamics of global economic inflation and temperature anomalies: A theoretical-experimental modeling approach
T. Bober, P. Wójcik, T. Gojayev (pp.144-151) Opportunities and barriers to the development of electromobility: The perspective of Poland and Azerbaijan
Message from Editor
G. Galloppo, M. Aliano, V. Paimanova (pp.5-24) European environmental policy and climate benchmarks: What happens to my money?
A. Altiev, M. Gojamanov (pp.25-32) Mechanisms for the economic regulation of the system for land resources use
A. Bytiqy, H. Abazi-Alili, G. Rexhepi (pp.33-45) Green finance and green economy: A panel VAR analysis of the dynamic relationship for sustainable development in Europe
Z. Mammadov, F. Murshudli (pp.46-61) The effect of international green banking practices on environmental sustainability: An empirical study
R.I. Hasanov (pp.62-69) Promoting sustainability in Azerbaijan's energy sector: A green policy evaluation and future outlook
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