Cover | Table of Contents
P. Ruvengo, J. Ringson, S. Bolaji (pp.145-156) Exploring the impact of food insecurity among women affected by HIV and AIDS in Mufakose suburbs in Harare, Zimbabwe
Y. Gilinsky (pp.157-164) Crime and punishment in the contemporary society of postmodern
A. Schelkin (pp.165-174) Ontological definition of childhood: From the pluralism of images of childhood to the universal concept of childhood (Competition of civilizations for the authentic model of the child)
A. Tugarov (pp.175-183) Methodological justification of the gerontological care practice in social work: Sociological and didactic aspects
J. Siciński, P. Sliż, B. Jackowska (pp.95-106) Unveiling the dynamics of hybrid ambidexterity: A study on evolving organizational roles for employees and leaders in process-driven enterprises
S. Nadeem, H. Imran, T. Ahmed, H.Z. Abbasi (pp.107-117) Illuminating the impact of personality factors and self efficacy on college educators' job satisfaction: A correlation study
B. Asadov (pp.118-126) Some aspects of the formation of a new behavioral model of youth in an era of growing international contradictions
H. Imran, S. Nadeem, T. Ahmed (pp.127-137) Influence of emotional intelligence on teenagers' contentment: Investigating the mediating influence of self-esteem
S. Norkobilova (pp.138-144) Scientific study of problems of social adaptation in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Message from Editor
Y. Zhang, S. Fang, J. Huang (pp.5-23) Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: Rethinking theory and intervention strategies based on rural practice in China
J. Ringson (pp.24-37) The multisectoral HIV/AIDS governance and achievement of Agenda 2030 of SDG3 on Global Health in Zimbabwe: Prospects and challenges
S. Channappa (pp.38-45) Interrelationship of migration and welfare state in neo-liberal era
V. Kamenskih, D. Kozachok, M. Kornilova (pp.46-52) Self-organization in older age
R. Bharti (pp.53-66) Childhood lost: Revisiting policy interventions and way forward from child labour perspective
K. Ihnatenko (pp.67-83) Enhancing support system: Identifying and addressing service gaps in humanitarian response to Ukrainian refugees in Georgia
M. Azizi-Meshkin (pp.84-94) E-government and inclusive development: Bridging the digital divide in Azerbaijan
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