Cover | Table of Contents
R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, T. Kavetskyy, L. Kazimli, C. Keskin, M. Bayramova (pp.311-318) Interactions of nanoparticles and biological systems
R. Agalarov, R. Gasanov (pp.319-323) Effect of long-term storage of fruit extracts on antioxidant activity and antocyanins content
A. Hakhiyev (pp.324-329) The comparative morphometric features of Libyan Jird (Meriones lybicus Lichtenschtein, 1823) populations in Azerbaijan
A. Nasibova, Z. Cabbarova, R. Khalilov (pp.330-337) The modern perspectives of nanomaterial applications in cancer treatment and drug delivery
R.B. Mammadova, L.A. Guseynova, A. Bakhsh, G.S. Abdulaliyeva, A.O. Mammadova, Z.M. Mammadov, Sh.A. Alizade, N.R. Amrahov (pp.338-346) The study of genetic effects of combining ability in diallelic cotton hybrids with improved fiber traits
A.N. Taghiyev (pp.347-353) The changes occurred in the wintering behavior of the migratory-wintering red book species of the Anseriformes in the Gizilaghaj bay
N. Shiraliyev, G. Abbasova, N. Mammadova, N. Huseynova, A. Jalilova (pp.354-367) The influence of atmospheric precipitation, surface water and leveling embankments on the settlement of structures
Sh.E. Alakbarova (pp.368-373) Effect of various salts on antioxidant protection and carbon metabolism of cotton
V.F. Mammadova (pp.374-380) Species composition of the pedobionts in forest soils around the Hajikand region
A. Sardarova (pp.381-388) The anatomical characteristics of the vegetative and generative organs of the medicinal Silybum Marianum L. spread in the mountainous region of the Lesser Caucasus
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