Cover | Table of Contents
A. Bisrat, E.A. Alamerew, A. Lakew (pp.101-120) Effect of aflatoxin exposure in livestock and public health: Review
O.J. Alagbe (pp.121-129) Effect of dietary supplementation of Monotheca buxifolia leaf powder on the growth performance of broiler chickens
E. Abdullayev, E. Khankishiyeva Ahmadova (pp.130-135) Assessment of chemical control against diseases and pests of apple (Malus L.) and pear (Pyrus L.) producers in Guba-Khachmaz economic district using the empirical social research method
E. Fidiyawati, Budi Waluyo, E. Widaryanto (pp.136-143) Screening of antioxidant and nutrient compounds from several varieties of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) at different harvest ages in the middle plains
R. Eldarov, Z. Sarhadova, A. Hajiyev (pp.144-152) Productivity indicators of newly introduced strawberry varieties in the soil and climatic conditions of the Guba-Khachmaz economic region
A.Ch. Mraisel, M.M. Wale, H.H. Saeid (pp.153-165) Toxicological impact of diclofenac sodium: Hematological, biochemical and histopathological changes in male rats
S. Maharramova (pp.166-176) Production characteristics and dynamics of average retail prices for sweet soft drinks in Azerbaijan
L. Namazova (pp.177-184) Cytogenetic and agro-morphological study of substition lines between bread wheat and Aegilops umbellulata
O.J. Alagbe (pp.185-193) Proximate, mineral and phytochemical analysis of some medicinal plants collected from Orathur Village, Thiruporur Taluk Kancheepuram district Tamilnadu, India
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